Today I turned 6 years old.  I had a birthday party over the weekend with a big vanilla cake. For my birthday, I got a big swingset and a kite that I can fly outside. 

 Birthdays are very special. Because I was born so early, doctors didn’t think I would have many. Now, I ‘ve had 6 and will have many, many, many more thanks in part to life saving research that was funded by the March of Dimes.

November, my birthday month, is Prematurity Awareness Month. My family and the March of Dimes are fighting for preemies. You can join them. To learn how, visit

Golf for Babies

Golf for Babies

We went to New York to participate in the March of Dimes Long Island Division Golf Tournament. My parents played in the tournament. Their team tied for first! While they were golfing, I got to ride around on a golf cart with my friends Alison and Marissa. We had so much fun taking pictures with the players and thanking everyone for coming. All of the money raised goes to help save babies like me. At the reception, my parents told my story, and I got to pick raffle tickets out of the basket. That was fun!!

The next day we met with Continental Airlines March for Babies team at Newark airport. I handed my card out to ticket agents and then we toured air traffic control.  It was so neat to learn what everyone does to make sure the planes takeoff and land safely. Continental Airlines is very special because they are the official airline sponsor of the National Ambassador Program. It’s always fun to thank them and give out hugs!

Katelyn and Dr. Oz

Katelyn and Dr. Oz

Last Wednesday my parents and I went to the 27th Annual Gourmet Gala at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC.  More than 540 people attended including many Senators and Representatives from across the country.

Before the event I got to meet Dr. Mehmet Oz who can often be seen on the Oprah Winfrey show.  He signed a copy of his book for my mom.

The event had a Wizard of Oz theme. Dorothy and all of her friends were there. I liked playing with the lion.  I even got to dress up at Glenda the good witch.  All of the guests were asked to have a heart, a brain and the courage to help save babies.   A lot of money was raised at the event for babies so thank you to everyone who came!!

Baltimore March for BabiesLast Sunday, my family attended the Greater Baltimore March for Babies. It was a fun day, but it was very rainy. I loved jumping in the puddles. I helped cut the ribbon and kickoff the walk with Greg Gumbel,  sportscaster and Honorary Trustee; Dr. Jennifer Howse, President of the March of Dimes; and Jane Massey, Chief Operating Officer of the March of Dimes. Also there were family teams and teams from Susquhanna Bank and Citi.

After the walk we went out to breakfast and warmed up.

Thank you to all of the walkers who came to support the March of Dimes even in the rain. Congratulations!!

The Halls with Larry Kellner

The Halls with Larry Kellner

On Sunday, my family walked in the Houston, TX March for Babies. It is the largest one in the country, with nearly 40,000 walkers. We had beautiful weather. When we got there we went to the Continental Airlines tent.  My mom and dad spoke on their stage with Mr. Kellner, the CEO and President of Continental Airlines.  We thanked them for being the official airline sponsor of the National Ambassador Program and flying us to over 50 cities since February. Wow!

Then my parents spoke on the main stage to all the walkers, along with other family teams. We even joined Mr. Kellner and Wells Fargo in receiving the US Congress National Award of Recognition from Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. What an honor! We also helped kickoff the walk with Dunta Robinson, Defensive Back for the Houston Texans.

We had so much fun walking with everyone and going around to the different tents to say thank you for walking and helping to make sure every baby gets a healthy start.

Kicking Off the Walk

Kicking Off the Walk

On Sunday, we attended our first March for Babies of the season. We walked in Reston, VA. It was a fun day. Before the walk my parents told my story on stage. I said “Have fun on the walk” into the microphone. I couldn’t do the entire walk because I had a cough so instead, I got my face painted with a monkey on it and played on the fun bus. It had a trampoline, a slide and a basketball net.

Thank you to everyone who participated in March for Babies!!!!

Farmers Ice Cream Social

Farmers Ice Cream Social

Last week we visited Oklahoma City, OK. It was our first time there. We had such a fun week. Everyone we met was so nice and it was sunny and warm outside. When we got off the plane, representatives from Continental Airlines were there to greet us. I took some photos with them and stood on the scale the weighs luggage.  Then we went to the Sports Headliner Banquet. Amazing athletes from Oklahoma were honored. I met Heisman Trophy winner Sam Bradford, football player Matt Fodge, and basketball player Courtney Pairs. I also met some kids my age who are on a cheerleading team for kids with special needs. We had fun!

The next day we took a tour of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. We met with the Deputy Director and members of the Oklahoma City Sheriff’s Office and Highway Patrol and we honored 2 local police officers for their service to the March of Dimes.  On the tour, I got to look at plant leaves through a microscope and dust a glass for fingerprints.

Next we visited the UCO Sorority Alpha Gamma Delta. They presented the March of Dimes with a check. They raised money by having an ice cream social. My favorite part of the visit was playing on a big swing. That day we also visited Mercy Hospital for a luncheon. There were a lot of other kids there for me to play with. Next we did a live TV interview. My mom lost her voice so my dad did all of the talking. He did really well.

The next day my dad was interviewed on 3 radio stations. Then we all went to the State Capitol for Lobby Day. My mom, dad and I were honored on the House floor. That was fun. I like meeting all of the legislators. We also walked around thanking them for supporting the March of Dimes.

The sweetest part of that day was an ice cream social at Farmers Insurance. I had cake and ice cream and I helped hand out the bowls.  In the evening we took a tour on a boat. Even my monkey George came along.

On Thursday we visited Lakeside Women’s Hospital for breakast and then had a live TV interview on Fox 25.

It was a busy few days in Oklahoma but we had a great time!!

CitiFinancial Kickoff

CitiFinancial Kickoff

We went to the March for Babies at the CitiFinancial headquarters in Baltimore, MD.  I got to meet the CEO and President, Mary McDowell and help her with a raffle. I pulled the raffle tickets out of the bucket and I handed my cards out. Citi had two huge cakes for me with the March of Dimes logo on them – one  cake was chocolate with vanilla icing and the other was yellow with vanilla icing. I tasted both. 

I can’t wait to see everyone again at the March for Babies in Baltimore on Sunday, May 3rd!

Team Katelyn

Team Katelyn

Team Katelyn’s 4th Annual Golf Tournament was a huge success! My parents started this golf tournament in my name in 2005 to raise money for the March of Dimes. This year they raised over $40,000!! The sun even came out for a little bit in the afternoon.

I had fun driving around in a golf cart with my grandma and Tatjana. We took pictures with all of the sponsors and teams. Over 200 golfers played. Thank you to everyone who came out to support babies and all of the sponsors. The beautiful Lansdowne Golf Club hosted the event. They were so great!

Thank you to everyone who participated. You are all helping to save babies.

Other sponsors include:
 Wegmans (the Title Sponsor)
Double Down Designs
Mama Lucci’s Restaurant
Lucky’s Sports Theatre & Grill
Linda Tribby-Wachovia Bank
White Star Sales & Promotions
Crown Trophy
The Original Steakhouse
Ashburn Xtreme Hockey Club
JK Moving & Storage, Inc.
Southeastern Hockey Officials Association
Loudoun-Dulles Lodge #69
Ted Britt Automotive Group
Calkain Companies, Inc.
Thomson Reuters Special Services
B&M Motorcars
Charles L. King, Attorney at Law
Cheers Sports
Investcorp Retirement Specialsist Inc.
Knitwits Boutique
Loudoun County Deputy Sheriff’s Association
The Massey Family
Moose Lodge #1041
Rubino’s Pizzeria

Me and my dad

Me and my dad

My daddy was named Dad of the Month for the month of March by This is so exciting! I think my dad is the best dad in the whole world and I love him so much! chose my dad because of his dedication to his family and his dedication to the March of Dimes.  When I was only one he became involved with the March of Dimes because they helped save my life and said he would raise $1 million, the cost of my medical bills, for them so that one day all babies would be born healthy. So far he and my mom have raised $150,000.

On Monday, my parents will hold Katelyn’s 4th Annual Golf Tournament. More than 200 golfers will play and raise more than $30,000 for the March of Dimes. It will be fun!

If you want to read the entire article about my dad visit

If you would like more information about my fun golf tournament visit

Congratulations daddy! Me and mommy are so proud of you!

Katelyn's Photos

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